Supernova tells the story of the 15-year-old Meis (Gaite Jansen), her dreams and fantasies – and her really bizarre situation. She lives with her mother (Tamar van den Dop) and her father (Bob Schwarze) in a lonely house somewhere – and so the film also begins when Meis states: “There is nothing here”. But the special takes place directly in front of her house. Here the road makes a sharp bend and again and again a car crashes into the middle of the house. There is now a security zone in the living room. Meis’ father also landed in this family one day and Meis dreams that one day her first love will end up in her living room as well. And one day it really happens: it crashes. The driver sits behind the wheel like dead. It’s a young man (David Schütter), and he’s pretty and could be called Brad or Pit.
2014 | movie feature | 106 min. | DCP
World premiere Berlinale 2014
Co-production Revolver Film / NL, Epidemic Film / BE
Awards 2014 8th IFF Xining / Grand Prix
Gaite Jansen
Tamar van den Dop
Bob Schwarze
Helga Boettiger
David Schütter
et al.
Script/DirectingTamar van den Dop
Novel adaptation “We save lives” by Do van Ranst
Camera Gregor Meerman
Production Designer Seth Turner
Costume Lotte Goos
Editing Katarina Türler
Music Marijn Slager
Re-recording Richard Borowski
Producer Raymond van der Kaaij (Revolver)
Executive Producer Herbert Schwering (COIN FILM)
Co-producers Eurydice Gysel (Epidemic Film), Marc Bary (IJswater Films)